Thursday, 28 July 2011

Welcome The Taiwanese!!!

Marian Girls High school is the highly ranked school in Tanzania. Its performance is good and gets better each day.
These two weeks from the middle of July to early august Marian girls High school hosted friends from Taiwan. To be frank i have enjoyed their presence and they have been of paramount importance to the development of the school and each individual at the premise. I have gained a lot from their package of knowledge especially on computer technology and application.

There is a need for the ICT development in Tanzania, especially in the teaching field though there are many problems out there still we need to match with the world.

Congratulation Marian Girls High School for the achievement

( For the glory of the most high

Monday, 2 August 2010

Naelewa kwa kiasi gani?

Hii ni hoja nzito mno kuliko unavyoweza kuelewa, hasa kwa kuwa kiasi cha kuelewa si swala la mtu binafsi. Je uelewa juu yako binafsi ni wakiasi gani? na je uelewa juu ya nchi yako ni mkubwa kuliko uelewa juu ya nchi jirani?
Tatizo si katika hilo tu bali je elemu yetu imekuwezesha kuelewa mambo kwa kiasi gani mambo yatakayo kuwezesha kutatua matatizo yako binafsi?

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Kutoa ni moyo...............!

Nimerudi ndugu zangu, baada ya kufikiri kwa muda mrefu sana nipo tayari kushiriki nanyi. Nitatoa sababu za kuto kuwepo hewani kwa muda baadaye........, lakini sasa naomba tumuangalie kijana huyu na kila utakavyoguswa jaribu kusaidia.

jina: Noel G.shirima.
umri miaka 21
Elimu: ni mhitimu wa kidato cha nne, Katika shule ya secondari Mawela (Moshi - Kilimanjaro)Index number S1121/0115

Hakubahatika kuchaguliwa kujiunga na elimu ya secondari kwa kidato cha tano na sita katika shule za serikali, hali hii ilimhitaji kutafuta uwezekano wa kusoma katika shule nyingine (bianafsi). Nilipokutana naye kwa mara ya kwanza alikuwa mwanfunzi wakidato cha nne, nilistushwa na hali ya kwao kwani japo kuwa ipo duni sana kijana alikuwa mwenye furaha na nidhamu ya hali ya juu. Hapa ni nyumabani kwao, na hii ndo nyumba ya wazazi wake.

Nilifurahishwa na bidii na ubunifu wake, kwa muda mrefu amejilipia ada yake shuleni. Hili liliwezekana kwakuwa eneo analoishi lina tatizo la upatikanaji wa maji, na yeye aliamua kuanza kuuza maji, kwa shilingi 250 kwa ndoo, tatizo ni kwamba maji hayo yanapatikana mbali sana.

Aliamua kujijengea "kijijumba" chake ili kupisha nyumba ya wazazi wake, hapa akiwa nje ya kijinyumba hicho.

Kutokana na halo niliyoikuta kwao ilinibidi kuamini kuwa kijana anaakili na uwezo kwani pamoja na kuwa na hali duni kujitafutia mwenyewe ili kukidhi mahitaji yake na ya familia yake lakini ameweza kufanya vizuri baadhi ya masomo. katika mtazamo wangu sikudhni kama angepata hata credit (principal pass)moja.

Ninadhani anahitaji msaada, alipata kuitwa kujiunga na shule ya secondary Mombo, gharama zake zikawa kubwa mno kiasi ambacho ilibidi aje kuniona lakini sikuweza kumsaidia kwa kiasi kitakacho muwezesha kujiunga na shule hiyo.

Anahamu ya kusoma katika mazingira mazuri akiamini kuwa atafanya vizuri. Ndugu zangu nitaweka baadaye nakala ya barua ya kuitwa shuleni ikiwa na maelezo ya gharama zake, pia nita jitahidi kuwaona wazazi wake mungu akipenda nitaweka video za mazungumzo yao. natarajia pia kuweka namba ya simu, namba ya akaunti na ramani ya kufika kwao kwa atakayeguswa. Mungu awabariki.

Kutoa ni moyo...............

Friday, 20 November 2009


jUZI NILIZUNGUMZA NA MWANAFUNZI MMOJA WA CHUO KIKUU kuhusu vyura wa kihansi hoja yangu ya msingi ilikuwa ni juu ya uwezo wetu kisayansi miaka arobaini baada ya uhuru, ni nkweli kuwa tulishindwa kuwafanyia uchunguzi wa kutosha hadi ikabidi wapelekwe amerika. Jibu nililolipata kutoka kwake sikulitegemea nanukuu " yaani vyura wamefika na kuishi marekani kwa miaka sita namimi mtu mzima nakusikia tu" Ilinibidi kufikiri zaidi juu yake kuliko vyura wale. Nilipomuuliza anasoea nini? akajibu B.ed Science(chemistry and Biology) i didn't believe!

vyura hao ni wadogo mno kiasi cha robotatu nchi tu

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

vyura wa kihansi!

vyura wa kihansi waqnaotarajiwa kurudishwa nchini kutoka Toledo zoonchini marekani wanatarajiwa kuhifadhiwa na wanasayansi wa chuo kikuuu cha dare-es salaam. Vyura hao walihifadhiwa kwa gharama ya shilingi milioni kumi na tano za kitanzania kwa mwaka! it is a good news

Monday, 9 November 2009

Je ni time menagement au ni uvivu?

sidhani kuwa tatizo ni lugha au maneno hayatoshi labda ni time management imeanza kuwa ajenda ya kiafrika, yote yawezekana lakini watu hatusomi articles ndefu anyway take time and see what you can do!

Friday, 6 November 2009

ni tatizo la kijenetiki au ni ukosefu wa changamoto

How are you? The problem of this question is that it needs only one respond and that is “Fine” or “am fine” but in reality the one responding might have good number of difficulties. Anyway this is not of my concern today!

History tells us that up to the 15th century the economic development level was the same all around the world that is; Africa was having the same economic status as Europe and Asia without speaking of America and Australia. Walter Rodney spoke of “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa”, to my opinion that was Adam-eve approach “blaming others for your own mistakes”. What came up? Why didn’t Africa under develop Europe? Please don’t perceive me wrong am at no intention of either argue or criticize the Rodney’s thoughts.

We can stand together and think what went wrong, why was Africa left behind? Some argue carelessly that primitive accumulation and mercantilism which was then advanced to colonialism are the processes that made Africa the way it is today. But the question is still unanswered why Africans failed to accumulate and colonize Europe? Why Africa went on being the exploited?

We can now realize that something went wrong even before all those processes, so instead of finding all ways to blame Europe lets try to find the real cause of us as continent being poor as we are.

There are two hypotheses I would like to state. The first states “the more you face problem the more creative you become” and the second important hypothesis is “facing problem involves giving it the right solution” Please you don’t need to agree with me or to disagree.

The European especially those of the North West faced a lot of problems from environmental disaster, cold to land shortage, the intensity of their problems gave them higher demand for the good solution to avoid it from reoccurring. The identification of problem requires a great understanding of the cause and effect, so that instead of dealing with effects we deal with causes. Identification of a problem is the first step towards solving the problem.

What came up? Africans came to be the way they are today simply due to lack of creativity and failure to come up with proper solution for their small problems. Woo! These are my opinion and no one can just say yes or no. But please you have the chance and right to think otherwise.